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English 8 - Art History Research: Home

Museum Etiquette 101

Visiting the Kimbell Art Museum

Remember the following:

  1. You represent FWCD. You also represent your parents, Mrs. Burleson, Mrs. Peterson, and yourselves. As my father used to say as I would leave the house, “Remember your last name.” As the adage goes, “You don’t get a second chance at a first impression.”
  2. DO NOT touch or any way come into contact with the art work. Many of these pieces are priceless and are protected by sensors and cameras. Yes, I said cameras, so we will be watched. We need to ask for permission before taking photos with the iPads.
  3. Leave your cell phone. There may be metal detectors set up in the museum. They know we are bringing iPads.
  4. Speak softly when needed, but otherwise, you are to listen and record notes.
  5. Wear soft-soled shoes or tennis shoes.
  6. Walk - do not run anywhere
  7. NO gum!
  8. If you are unsure of ANYTHING, ask an adult!
  9. We will spend roughly 90 minutes at the Kimbell.
  10. You are required to make up any work that you miss ASAP.



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