Objective: Use the study of biomes to show knowledge and comprehension about biotic and abiotic factors, food chains, food webs, energy pyramids, symbiotic relationships, and limiting factors in an environment.
YOUR ASSIGNED BIOME = __________________________________
On a blank sheet of poster paper (provided), draw a scene from your assigned biome.
You must include both BIOTIC and ABIOTIC factors.
You must include at least 2 producers, 2 primary consumers, 2 secondary consumers, and at least 1 tertiary consumer.
Show the arrows indicating a food web from your biome. (After you have drawn your producers and consumers, draw arrows showing the direction of energy flow.)
Draw an energy pyramid for at least one food chain within your food web.
Draw and indicate one predator-prey relationship
Draw and indicate one symbiotic relationship. Also indicate the TYPE of symbiotic relationship it is.
List three density dependent limiting factors and three density independent limiting factors for ONE animal population in your biome. (Make sure to indicate which animal population you choose.)
List the abiotic characteristics of your biome neatly in the corner (preferably in a chart). This should include the temperature, rainfall, and physical characteristics of your biome.
Answer the following 3 questions in essay format.
Staple this paper to your poster when both are complete.
Essay Questions
Answer the following three questions in essay format:
1. What is the difference between how nutrients and chemicals are replenished in an ecosystem and how energy is replenished within an ecosystem?
2. How do the abiotic factors in your biome affect the biotic factors of your biome. Explain your answer thoroughly and use at least 2 examples to support your explanation.
3. Your ecosystem has experienced severe alterations caused by ____________________________ . Describe how the interactions among living organisms within your ecosystem would change, AND how chemical cycling would be affected by this ecosystem alteration.
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