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FWCD Ed Tech Resources: Screencastomatic


FWCD has purchased Screencastomatic, so all teachers can use Google sign-in to create a free account. Screencastomatic is a quick and easy way to record yourself and/or your desktop. Make quick videos introducing a lesson, explaining a difficult concept, sharing a website, or simply connecting with your students. Your students will appreciate seeing you embedded in the screen - helping add to their feeling more connected to you and the information you're sharing. 

How to get started

10 Ways Screencasting Can Transform Learning

Screencasting with Powerpoint or Google Slides

Pro Tips

Image result for 50 ways to use screencastify

Screencasting in the Classroom

Here are a few ideas for screencasting:

  • Use the webcam feature to record yourself giving a daily message to your students
  • Record your screen for how-to videos
  • Feedback for students
  • Students as creators (students can create screencasts to show their learning)
  • Support student absences
  • Parent engagement